You're walking on eggshells again; he's mad but you don't want to ask so you just deal with the low hum of anxiety that is distracting, but so familiar.
You're late again to your kid's soccer game because you said yes to helping with the party you didn't even want to go to; you feel sick inside and you speed hoping you can get there in time to see him play as you berate yourself with “Why do you put other people’s stuff above your family?” again and again.
Your brain is replaying yesterday's conversation with your boss; you didn't share your opinion about the upcoming project and you wish you had said something especially now that he asked you to play a bigger role than you’d like and you agreed.
Join me and I'll teach you the 5 Steps to Stop People Pleasing. 
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Live Workshop
Monday, July 15th
at 1pm PT 
You're spending hours a day: 
—Overthinking decisions that need to be made

—Ruminating about who is mad at them

—Worrying about future event

—Replaying events and wondering why you didn’t stand up for yourself

—Resenting all the people who ask you for your time and energy

—Your body is doing other things-
driving carpool, going to work or picking up groceries but you just can’t get your brain off the “what do other people think
It's time to get rid of the people pleasing that is clogging up your life.

I’m Sara Bybee Fisk, Master Certified Coach and Teacher.

People Pleasing is the plague of womanhood.

How do I know?

Because for years, I spent so much time placating and pretending that I hardly knew who I was or what I wanted. My default mode was to defer to other’s needs and wants and call it being a “good” mom/wife/friend/employee.

And, I was struggling.

Resentment bubbled just beneath the surface of my “it’s fine” smile.

I felt stuck- I wanted to be loving and helpful, but that felt like it was costing me more and more each day.

Learning how to stop people pleasing is still an on-going evolution for me, but my life looks completely different today.

I’ve navigated leaving the high-demand religion I was raised in, disappointing my parents and shocking my friends, losing many of them in the process.

I’ve learned to speak up for my needs and wants, and re-negotiated the strict gender roles I lived with my husband for the first 20 years of our marriage, transforming it into a truly equitable partnership.

I’ve asked for and received higher paying wages, learned to set and hold boundaries and spoken out about difficult topics that would’ve rendered me silent or stammering before.
I’ve remodeled relationships that I wanted to keep, ended relationships that weren’t working and created new relationships that are loving and supportive that have brought me so much joy.

And the thing I’m most proud of- I have a generous, respectful, secure relationship with myself and I love being me in the world.

Having worked with hundreds of clients over 5 years, I know exactly how to teach you to do this too.

I’m the Stop People Pleasing Coach and it would be my honor to share what I’ve learned with you and show you how to use it in your transformation.

 Register for the live workshop and I'll teach you
the 5 Steps to Stop People Pleasing.

I’ll also take you into a deep dive on one step- processing emotions- that will immediately open up new opportunities for you to stop people pleasing in any area of your life.

I’ll also have the chance to talk to you about what it would be like to work with me for 6 months getting ALL the skills and ALL the practice you need to make people pleasing a thing of the past.

You'll leave knowing exactly what to do and how to start! 